
Your First Visit

The Chiropractic Exam

A thorough Chiropractic exam will include the state-of-the-art “insight 7000 / Subluxation Station”. Two electronic scans that will be performed on the spine. The first is a Thermal scan, thermal meaning “heat”. [What we treat here in our office is subluxations ( a "subluxation " merely means vertebrae, or back bone, out of place]. When there is a subluxation in your spine a common symptom is abnormal heat differences from one side of your spine to the other. This scan will detect that.

The other scan performed is a “static EMG” or a “surface EMG”… When a muscle contracts, it produces a small electrical signal. The harder the muscle pulls, the more electricity it gives off. This scan accurately measures the electrical signals produced by muscles.

These scans don’t hurt. There are no needles or electrical shocks and are perfectly safe for pregnant women and embryo.

Other Studies to Supplement the Chiropractic Exam

Based upon the results of the history and chiropractic exam a few general tests may be incorporated to further reveal pathologies and identifying structural abnormalities that can be use by us to more accurately diagnose a condition. Some of these tests may include, but not limited to blood pressure, pulse, respiration, reflexes as well as specific orthopedic and neurological tests to assess:

Further chiropractic exam tests may be necessary to assess the affected area (such as having the individual move in a specific manner, posture analysis, or chiropractic manipulation of the affected body part). However, these general tests are not always necessary during the chiropractic exam.

If some of these tests are positive then Dr. Smith will order an X-RAY exam.

The chiropractic doctor will explain a patient's:

Most chiropractors begin treatment during the patient’s first visit, although some may wait until the next appointment at the chiropractic clinic.

We don’t need to say we’re the best, our patients do that for us. Call us for a free consultation and find out why.

Get In Touch

147 N. 2nd E. Suite #4 Rexburg, ID
Schedule an Appointment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

The Hours We Are Open

Mon - Fri

9:00am - 6:00pm


12pm - 2pm


By Appointment